Wind Damage Claims FAQs
Get Help NowWind damage to a fence is usually covered by homeowners insurance, depending on the cause of the damage. Generally, if a storm causes the damage, it is likely that your insurance will cover the repair costs. However, if the damage was caused by neglect or wear and tear, your insurance policy may not cover it. Before filing a claim, review your policy to make sure you are familiar with what is and is not covered.
Generally, wind-driven rain damage is not covered by most insurance policies. Wind-driven rain can cause extensive damage to homes, but it usually occurs due to an existing fault or defect in the home's structure that allows the water to enter. For example, if you have missing or damaged shingles, gaps in siding, or a broken window, the water can easily enter and cause extensive damage. Most insurers will not cover any wind-driven rain damage caused by existing defects or faults.