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Wisconsin Insurance Laws

August 21, 2024

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We Fight Insurance Companies So You Don’t Have To

People take up insurance for various reasons: financial protection, risk mitigation, retirement planning, and more. The key element that motivates us to pay our premiums is protection from unexpected life events. Insurance provides us with a way to manage our risks.

Wisconsin insurance laws serve as a framework to safeguard its residents against financial uncertainties. While your insurance is covered under the terms of your contract, the state laws ensure that all insurance contracts, interpretations, and disputes follow certain legal principles. This way, both insurers and policyholders can understand and enforce their contractual obligations.

Overview of Wisconsin Insurance Laws

In the US, states regulate the insurance sector. All insurance companies must fulfill a certain set of requirements to do business in the state, including licensing and capital obligations, financial solvency tests, and rate regulation.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is a nonprofit organization that sets the industry standard and is governed by the chief insurance regulators of all US states, the District of Columbia, and US territories. It establishes best practices for insurance companies and offers helpful tools for insurance consumers.

In Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (WOCI) oversees insurance operations in the state. It serves to meet the specific needs of Wisconsin consumers, promising education and protection to help foster a competitive insurance environment that honors the people rather than profit.

Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act

While insurance providers are bound by contractual obligations, many insurers may conduct themselves unethically to increase their profit margin to the detriment of the policyholders. Unethical insurance companies neglect policyholders’ trust when they avoid, delay, undervalue, and use other bad faith measures. Examples of unethical insurance practices are:

  • Absurd or unnecessary demands by the insurer, such as excessive paperwork or questions
  • Unresponsive behavior or delayed responses
  • Partial payments or lowball settlement offers to close the claim out quickly
  • Abrupt policy cancellations, or instances where the insurance company tries to rescind coverage benefits using falsified information to justify their decision
  • Inappropriate behavior, like poor investigation tactics in which insurers ignore evidence and fail to follow through with the claim

The NAIC has instituted a model legislation to emphasize that insurance claims should be handled fairly, such as by incorporating transparent and clear communication between insurance companies and policyholders. Many states have shaped their unfair claims practices based on the NAIC model.

Common Insurance Dispute Types in Wisconsin

Wisconsin insurance laws are complicated. Consequently, insurance disputes arise, creating a great deal of hardship for policyholders, many of whom might have a very limited understanding of the law. If you are embroiled in an insurance dispute, a skilled and experienced insurance dispute attorney based in Wisconsin can help you navigate challenging insurance dispute case types.

Wisconsin Life Insurance

Wisconsin life insurance laws follow certain principles to ensure insurance providers honor contracts that are essentially created for a third party’s benefit. For instance, under § 632.475 of the Wisconsin legislature, every policy must contain a provision entitling the policyholder to a grace period of 31 days after the premium due date. This means if the policyholder dies during such grace period, their beneficiary is entitled to get the death benefit, except for the last due premium.

While life insurance policies are meant to proceed according to a loved one’s wishes, this is not always the case. Some insurers deny a life insurance claim, leaving the beneficiary in a difficult position to contest an insurance that was originally executed by someone else.

Wisconsin Health Insurance

Health insurance in Wisconsin includes a range of coverage options for policyholders, such as family plans, government programs, and employer-sponsored plans. Although it is not legally enforced, many Wisconsin employers offer health insurance to their employees to retain talent.

Health insurance claims are one of the most disputed areas, given the increasing number of denials and the overall importance of a health plan. Health insurers deny or delay claims for a number of reasons, including claim errors. If you feel your health insurance company is taking advantage of you, it might be time to speak to a health insurance dispute lawyer.

Wisconsin Residential Property Insurance

Wisconsin residential property insurance enables homeowners and renters to be indemnified in case of property damage due to covered events such as roof, lightning, tornado, flood, hail, wind, fire, or water. Policyholders may need to keep these damage types in mind when signing their insurance contract.

A robust homeowners insurance policy can cover significant damages from having to repair, rebuild, or replace your damaged or destroyed property with new materials of like, size, and quality. It can also help cover expenses such as those from hotel stays during a covered event.

Commercial property insurance, on the other hand, is meant to protect business owners and tenants from damage due to extreme weather conditions and events like theft that hurt business owners.

Wisconsin Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is issued to an eligible person or group to provide coverage for specific classes of events. Travel insurance policies might provide financial protection during events such as last-minute cancellations, medical expenses, and baggage loss or delays.

Apart from these common insurance dispute categories, Wisconsin insurance laws cover many other types of insurance policies, such as those related to casualty, workers’ compensation, long-term care, and auto insurance.

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Is There a Time Limit on Insurance Claims?

All insurance dispute claims have a time limit. The Wisconsin statute of limitations defines the period within which a plaintiff must file an insurance dispute lawsuit in a court. For example, you may have one year to file a bad faith insurance lawsuit against your provider, making it all the more urgent to hire an insurance dispute attorney.

The number one reason we are unable to assist people is that they waited too long to come talk to us!

What Does a Wisconsin Insurance Dispute Lawyer Do?

Sometimes, insurance companies do not provide expected coverage for multiple reasons. While claim filing errors and mistakes in insurance forms are very common, there are providers who practice unethical insurance to deny or stall payout. A skilled bad-faith insurance dispute attorney can discern the difference, and help you understand whether your insurer is trying to take advantage of you. A Wisconsin insurance dispute lawyer with background, knowledge, and skill in dealing with tough insurance corporate counsels can be your biggest asset in helping you get your full coverage amount and other related compensation.

Wisconsin Insurance Dispute Lawyer Near Me

Denied and underpaid insurance claims cost policyholders time, effort, and money. Wallace Law is a Wisconsin-based insurance dispute law firm to helps frustrated policyholders fight bad-faith insurers and get paid for legitimate claims. Here are some of the ways you can reach us for a free and confidential consultation:

We do not ask for upfront fees; we only get paid if you get paid.

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Interested in Learning More About Wisconsin Insurance Laws? Speak to a Wisconsin Insurance Dispute Lawyer Today

Insurance claims are not always cut and dry, and disputes can get out of hand quickly without comprehensive legal assistance. A skilled insurance dispute attorney with a successful track record can help ensure insurers honor their insurance contract obligations and pay policyholders their fair share. Our team at Wallace Law will always put your interests first and make sure your insurance needs are adequately addressed. Contact us today for a free consultation.


Wisconsin Insurance Laws: FAQs

Can I be denied insurance based on my immigration or tax filing status?

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Can I be denied insurance based on my past criminal history?

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How do I reach out to the Wisconsin Commissioner of Insurance?

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